Game-A-Week Episode 9: TemTem
[10:37 PM]
So this week, we're doing this a little different.
[10:38 PM]
Since this was a request from the illustrious Jonah Carson, I think this is the perfect game to transition from the Perfect Seven(Six) arc aka the reason Game-A-Week exists in the first place and the rest of the list. It's the perfect bridge.
[10:39 PM]
So since this is a special episode, I decided to do it in video format instead of the usual written review so you can get my immediate reactions.
[10:40 PM]
However, the footage got screwed up for a number of reasons. I tried everything but in the end, nothing worked so these are just the cards I was dealt and I have to play them.
In any event, because of this, we won't be doing the video format again next week or any week after that. This is a one-time deal.
10:41 PM]
So anyway, enjoy. I hope you do. Despite.... the shittiness of it all.
Since I understand no ordinary human can possibly watch all of that, here's the review in a single video. Feel free to skip to here (But I'd obviously appreciate it if you went all the way but I know you're probably not crazy)
I just realized refunding the game pretty much murdered Sakaphant and all the other TemTem I had since I imagine my account has been erased. Oh well.
[12:45 AM]
To quote the wisest man I've ever seen:
[12:45 AM]
"I just realized something... honestly, it kinda doesn't matter where I go... whether I'm alive or dead... I'm still pretty dandy!"
[12:45 AM]
See you, Space Dandy.
[12:46 AM]
As far as Kindred Fates goes, whether I get the PC or Switch version will depend on the file size. Since the Switch doesn't have that much memory space, if its too big, I'll just go PC. If not, I think I'd prefer the Switch version.
[12:47 AM]
Anyway, I think this game has actually damaged my love of Pokemon because now I'll think of this mess whenever I sit down to play Pokemon.
[12:49 AM]
I'm just gonna go play some Pokemon Sword to try to wash out the bad taste this game left in my mouth.
tl;dw: It's a 2/10. The game sucks, don't buy it. I think the only way I'd ever re-visit it is if I've completely run out of Pokemon games to play and desperately feel the itch to play some more Pokemon. And even then, I'd probably just replay Gen 8 or Let's Go. Heck, I'd probably sooner check out a romhack than this game.
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