Welcome.... To game a week!
Where I report back on what I've played right here in the corner every week so my gaming laptop actually is used for what it was made for.
This week, I played Star Wars: The Old Republic.
A game in which, I can finally live out my fantasy of being a jedi. Which, is something I think we've all wanted to be since we were kids.
I really liked it and I'll be continuing to play it until I finish the story. But that's all I'll be doing with this game.
The PVP, dungeons and raids are all trash. There's no way I'm touching anything but the story content.
The story is really in-depth though. Your choices actually have large impacts such as whether or not characters live or die.
There's even romance options. Which, I was actually caught a bit off guard with how far I was allowed to take it
I may or may not have accidentally fucked a Twi'lek princess.
I really didn't expect "Accept her affection" to end up with me in her bed. I thought it was going to be cute, I didn't sign up for this!
There are also party members that join you throughout the story. So far, I have an astromech droid named T7-01, a protocol droid C2-N2 and Kira Carsen who is my padawan. I even have my own ship and my lightsaber was blue (but I changed it to yellow for an endurance buff!)
You build your relationship points with them along the journey and they can even agree or disagree with your dialogue options. Giving your choices more weight as it leaves a lasting impact on them
There's a whole lot of love about this game's story content, it really is as in-depth as a single player RPG which is very impressive for an MMO
It actually makes me wonder why it is an MMO and not a fully-fledged single player RPG in the first place. I'm pretty much playing it like a single player game.
My final verdict, is that this game is awesome and I'm going to play it all the way through but my time with it ends there. It's an excellent game when you play it as a single player game but its a pretty bad MMO. This is it, boys. This is the legendary single player MMO. The story content can actually be played in a party though and each party member gets a say in where the story goes next which I think is pretty cool but obviously will not be experiencing myself because my friends are trash.
I give Star Wars: The Old Republic an 8/10. The story content really is just that good and I actually want to keep playing it instead of picking up a new game next week
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