Sunday, June 28, 2020

Game-A-Week Episode 23: Moemon
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This is going to be a weird and short Game-A-Week this week because we didn't exactly cover a real game.
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Moemon is a rom hack of Pokemon FireRed.
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So since the game it is based off of already exists, we'll only be covering the changes made to it.
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For those who don't know, a rom hack is essentially a modded version of an existing game. Its a good way to practice game design since you don't have to make an entire game from scratch.
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You know, just like fanfiction for writers.
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Anyway, the only difference made here is that all the sprites of the Pokemon are swapped with cute girls.
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That's it.
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"But Christian, shouldn't you only be covering real games here on Game-A-Week?"
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Yes, but I downloaded this rom hack a couple years ago after watching a let's play series on it where the let's player was so infuriatingly dumb, I had to just play it for myself in order to experience it without pulling my hair out.
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Seriously, this guy boxed his Mankey, calling it useless and then complained moments laters that fighting steel types is too hard. Like dude, you just threw away your fighting type, you idiot! Stop insisting that Gyarados is weak to grass, its not.
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Anyway it was a real "I'll do it myself" moment
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So since I still had it sitting on my computer, I thought I might as well do a Game-A-Week on it.
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The gameplay isn't great since other than visually, its just FireRed comepletely unaltered. Which, you know, isn't that great of a game to begin with. It's hands down, the WORST iteration of Kanto/Gen 1.
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But the new designs are (for the most part), awesome.
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You would expect them all to be lewd but most of them are just cute.
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You've got your cuties like Tangela and Primeape. Then you've got ones that are just so damn cute like Metapod who is just a little girl wrapped up in a green blanket.
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Then you've got the unfortunates like Parasect and Persian that are in onesies for some reason.
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And a weird amount of pokemon are just in maid outfits. I feel like whenever they didn't know what to do for a pokemon, they just turned them into a cute maid. Raticate, Snorlax, Milktank and Exeggutor are all maids for some reason.
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Similarly this is done with girls in kimonos holding umbrellas but this trend is less common. I've only noticed Ninetails and Vileplume do this so far.
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But overall, its really cool to see the Pokemon I've come to know in love all re-imagined as people. It's neat.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but to my knowledge, Moemon started as a concept made by one artist who drew every Pokemon up to gen 4 as cute girls.
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That's the original image. You're really gonna have to click on it and zoom in to be actually able to see anything.
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And some of these OG Moemon designs are pretty cool
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While others are.... uncomfortably erotic.
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And the reason I bring this up is not only to mention the history behind Moemon and where it all started, but also because I like some of the OG designs better than the ones in the RomHack
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I ahem really like the OG design's concept of re-purposing Snorlax's immense weight into something much better. But, that's not to say I like them all better. Most of the romhack design changes are for the better. The OG designs are very hit or miss and some are just pretty bland while the romhack gives them much more personality. For example, Onix in the romhack is a giantess hiker while the OG design is just a chick in armor that kinda looks like Onix. But, of course, I could just show you the comparisons again.
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But while most of the time, I prefer the designs present in the romhack, I just want all of you to know. That according to the OG Moemon artist, God has one hell of a dynamite ass.
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I give Moemon a Waifu/10. Its not a real game so it doesn't get a real score but 9 out of 10 of the new sprites are dope.
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Here's what the squad is looking like right now
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And here's everyone else in my box because why the hell not?
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